Exams are one of the things in life you most certainly cannot avoid. At a point in your life, you will be required to write some tests or take part in an examination. It is not surprising it sends chills down the spines of most people to merely think about the the word EXAM. I have personally noticed that it does not matter how well you know or how little you know on the subject you are going to be tested on, you will still experience anxieties.
However on the whole I think it is better to be well prepared and also be in the know rather than not preparing adequately because that will throw you farther off balance.
Take it easy on yourself and picture exams as something beneficial and worthwhile that will help you get to your next level in life. After all you are only going to be tested on what you have already been taught. The truth however is you have been taught a lot and how on earth can you remember all you have been taught. A teen writing their Ordinary Level exams in Maths alone is supposed to remember formula for Trigonometry, Probability, Algebra, Data Collection and lots more. They are supposed to answer questions using formula and this is not very easy for most students. Then there are the reading subjects like History, Geography and the like that you are supposed to write essays on.
How can you commit all you have learned in your long term memory so you can easily recall the information necessary for questions? It is all very possible once you have techniques, strategies, ideas, principles and practice a lot of past questions. Develop a solid revision plans after you have discovered your learning style.
If you are a Photographic learner, you want to make your revision notes highly visual with colours, mind maps and anything that will bring light and colour to make your visual and photographic mind easily memorize the notes. For an Auditory learner you want to hear your notes being read all the time. You can easily do this by recording yourself while you read or sing your notes, that way you can listen to it all through your head phones. Also if you are a Hands-On learner, then you want to touch and feel what you are learning through experiments and actually experience what you are learning.
Learn to cut out the stress that goes with exams. Start your revision early, that way you can rest assure that even as the exams approach you have full control despite your anxiety which will quickly disappear once you are well prepared.
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